Improve your photography skills
In this post, we want to give you a few tips to improve your photo skills, whether you are just starting in photography or have been doing it for a long time. These points are not specifically technical, it’s inspirational ideas that will help you to improve as a photographer.
1. Talk before photograph
During your photography workshop you will want to capture as much as possible. Spend time before bringing your eye to the camera to talk with the people you want to photograph. Know about them, ask simple questions, and make them feel comfortable before you start to photograph.
If you come and start photograph, you will become an intruder and you will intimidate them. Be emphatic, your photos will appreciate it.
Check all collection of photos in our Ethiopia Photo Tour, you will see how the portraits show confidence with the photographer.

2. Use your equipment
Don’t blame yourself for the equipment you don’t have. Practice and explore compositions, use the manual mode, and learn about what kind of photographer you want to be.
Read our post about the rule of thirds in photography, to start learning composition, or find inspiration with the Best Books of Photographers.

3. Enjoy photography
It can sound basic, but travel photography is not as easy as it looks. Wait for a perfect moment in a specific location for hours to get the shoot you look requires passion. And sometimes it requires to wait with low temperatures or bad weather conditions.

4. Never give up
Don’t think that there is nothing impossible, all can be done. While you look for inspiration you could think that you can’t capture the same kind of photos. If anybody did before, of course, you can do it too. If anybody didn’t do doesn’t mean you can’t do it.
Also more important, don’t be around people that tell you that it can’t be done. Surround yourself with positive people, especially on trips for photographers. Persons that give you energy and/or ideas to improve yourself.

5. Think before click
One of the biggest mistakes is to don’t think before making the photo. Take your time to visualize what you want to get: how it must look. Photo edition not will fix your mistakes in composition, ISO settings, chromatic aberration…

6. Don’t follow the crowd
Repeat the same photographs from famous locations became a popular hobby for photographers. If you want to improve, try to capture these famous spots with different perspectives and of course look for new unexplored locations. Make the difference and create your own style.

7. Plan your photo
Travel and especially landscape photography requires planning. You must know when is the best possible light for the composition you have in mind. Or if you look to photograph nice autumn colors in Japan, you will need to understand the best weeks for it. All photos require planning!

8. Bring your camera everywhere
Don’t forget your camera and have always close it. You will blame yourself if you don’t have it during a special situation that can happen during your next New York Photo Workshop as an example.

These are our tips to improve your photo skills, if you are advanced we hope it helps you too! Do you have more tips or advice? Write to us in the comment what do you think about it or give your own. Enjoy photography!